Accuracer Databassystem f�r Delphi / C++ Builder och Kylix �r en ny, snabb, p�litlig och inb�ddad databas som ers�tter BDE skapad f�r att anv�ndas med databasapplikationer f�r flera anv�ndare och f�r att f�rse den snabba databasfunktionen med enorma data. Accuracer st�djer b�de klient/server och filserversystem n�r arbete med flera anv�ndare utf�rs. Klient/server flexibilitet s�v�l som enklare s�tt f�r flera anv�ndare att f� tillg�ng till en databasfil. Accuracer databassystem anv�nder ett eget format vilket kan f�rvara m�nga tabeller inne i en enfilig databas. Accuracer kompileras rakt in i en k�rbar fil i din applikation och g�r att varken BDE, DLL-filer eller n�gra andra yttre drivrutiner beh�vs. Accuracer databassystem �r en cross-platform DBMS som jobbar i Linux s�v�l som i Windows s� du kan med l�tthet anv�nda dina databaser i b�da dessa system. Accuracer databassystem inkluderar flera oberoende DBMS produkter f�r arbete med databaser i Accuracers format:
Batch import/export operations with groups of records or entire tables using TACRBatchMove component, which works in the same manner as TBatchMove and supports almost all of its functionality. Look at source code of our BatchMove demo to get assistance.
Tables import and export using ImportTable and ExportTable methods. If you need to move data to Accuracer database from the database that can be accessed via BDE or ODBC, the better way is to use Accuracer DBTransfer utility, which are available with full source code and can be used as an example to help you to implement import/export capabilities in your project.
If you need to move data to Accuracer database from the EasyTable database, you can download Database Coverter Utility from EasyTable to Accuracer, then just run it and select existing EasyTable database file. This utility is available with full source code, too.
If you need to move data to Accuracer database from MySQL database, you can also use our MySQLImport demo.
If you need to move data to Accuracer database from CSV (coma-separated values) file, look at our CSVImport demo.
Table or whole database backup-restore capabilities. You can download Accuracer Backup and Accuracer Restore utilities and use them with your Accuracer database. These utilities include full source code and you can use them as examples on how to add backup/restore functionality to your project.
Accuracer supports Borland Bold for Delphi: technology, special thanks to Konstantin Gribachev, the author of the book "Delphi and Model Driven Architecture". The easiest way to move your data using Borland Bold® technology is to use his Bold Data Pump utility. Here you can download Accuracer Bold DB Adapter with full source code, a demo and an example of application with source code, too.
Accuracer ODBC Driver is a version of Accuracer VCL to work with the database in Accuracer format via ODBC interface. It includes almost all the ODBC compatible functionality of the Accuracer VCL, including file-server and client/server multi-user access. Accuracer ODBC Driver can be used for data import/export from/to ODBC data sources.
If you need a help in your special data import/export case, please contact our Support Team.
Om du har n�gra fr�gor eller vill ber�tta f�r oss vilka SQL egenskaper du i f�rsta hand beh�ver, f�r du g�rna ta kontakt med v�r supportavdelning .
Let's your customers create database queries without knowledge of SQL! With Accuracer Database System you can use a visual query builder to enable your end-users to build complex SQL queries via an intuitive visual interface. H�r kan du gratis ladda ner f�ljande Accuracer produkter som st�djer n�gra kommersiella visuella uppbyggnader av fr�gor:
Accuracer databassystem finns f�r f�ljande Borlandprodukter: Delphi 4, Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Delphi 7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006 f�r C++Builder 4, C++Builder 5, C++Builder 6, C++Builder 2006, och f�r Kylix 3 (Delphi). Eftersom Delphi standard och andra personliga utg�vor inte st�djer TDataset klass kommer Accuracer inte att fungera d�r. Detta g�ller �ven med de flesta andra BDE alternativ. Accuracer Trial (utv�rderingsversion) och Std �r inte kompatibel med utv�rderingsversioner av Delphi / C++ Builder och Kylix.
Accuracer �r l�ttanv�nd: bara k�r install.exe och den installerar alla komponenter till Delphi (C++ Builder). Installationsprocessen �r detaljerad i textfilen Readme.txt. Om du har n�gra fr�gor, var v�nlig och l�s igenom denna fil noggrant. Denna produkt kommer med full dokumentation presenterad i Accuracer Developer's Guide och Accuracer Component Referens (AccuracerGuide.hlp och AccuracerRef.hlp eller HTML-filer f�r Kylix). Developer's Guide inneh�ller exempel som visar hur du kan anv�nda alla operationer i Accuracer genom steg f�r steg instruktioner. Installationsprogrammet installerar automatiskt Accuracers hj�lpavsnitt till Delphi / C++Builder IDE.
Direkt hj�lp f�r Accuracer finns att f� tag p� h�r: Developer's Guide Komponentreferens Du kan �ven ladda ner denna dokumentation i f�ljande format: Accuracer Developer's Guide Mirror1 Mirror1 Mirror1 Mirror1 Mirror1 Mirror1 Accuracer Referens Mirror1
Om du har n�gra problem eller fr�gor, var v�nlig och l�s igenom FAQ i f�rsta hand. Om du inte kan hitta n�got svar p� dina fr�gor i FAQ, var v�nlig och kontakta v�r supportavdelning . Vi tar alla id�er i �tanke n�r vi utvecklar framtida versioner av v�ra produkter. H�r du kan l�sa mer om v�r supportpolitik.
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