EasyTable: Single-File Embedded BDE Replacement
Database for Delphi and C++Builder


Occurs when a table is involved into some potentially slow process.

TaaProgressProcess = (aappImport,aappExport,aappRestructure, aappRepair,aappChangeCompression, aappCompactDB, aappRepairDB, aappChangeEncryption, aappChangeEncryptionDB, aappAddingRecords);  
TaaProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TEasyTable; PercentDone: Real; ProgressProcess: TaaProgressProcess) of object;  
property OnProgress: TaaProgressEvent;

OnProgress occurs during potentially slow processes such as importing, exporting, restructuring, repairing, changing compression mode, changing table encryption. OnProgress allows applications to provide the user with a feedback about the progress of the slow process.

The PercentDone parameter is an approximation of how much of the operation has completed. Use PercentDone to update the position of a progress bar or other indicator.

The ProgressProcess parameter indicates what kind of process is running: importing, exporting, restructuring, repairing, changing compression mode, changing table or database encryption.

© AidAim Software EasyTable: Easytable Bde Alternative Single File Delphi Databas