MsgCommunicator: Delphi Instant Messaging (IM) SDK
for easy creation of custom messenger system

TMsgServerNetworkSettingsEditor Properties

Specifies server network communication settings.

Paramater   Type   Description
ServerReceiveTimeOut   Integer   Limit to receive a full incoming buffer, a time since the first packet to the latest, msec.
ServerReceiveSleep   Integer   Time to sleep while buffer receiving, msec. Needs to allow incoming packets processing. Should be >=0, <= 100.
MinServerSendTimeOut   Integer   Minimal value allowed for ServerSendTimeOut.
ServerSendTimeOut   Integer   Limit to send a full buffer, a time since the first packet to the latest, msec.
ServerWaitForSendSleep   Integer   Pause between sending packets, a time to sleep while wait for all packets being sent, msec. Shoud be equal to null for best speed.
ServerResendDelay   Integer   Pause between series of resending requested absent/broken packets, msec. Shold be >=0, <= 100. Pause between packets in series is set in ServerWaitForSendSleep.
ServerRequestDelay   Integer   Pause between series of requests absent/broken packets, msec. Shold be >=0, <= 100. Pause between packets in series is set in ServerReceiveSleep.
WaitForMessagesSend   Integer   Limit to wait for the end of sending of all other messages of this user before starting to send new message, msec.
WaitForServerSessionThreadTimeOut   Integer   Limit to wait for the end of the previous session thread, msec.
ServerThreadsTerminateDelay   Integer   Waiting for normal end of the thread by terminate signal. After that thread will be killed.
ServerSessionTerminatorSleep   Integer   Pause between ending of the session, if it is hangs or needs to close.
PingClients   Boolean   Enables or disablea client disconection by timeout.
ServerPingSleep   Integer   Pause in ping clients thread, needs for flexible change the priority of the ping clients thread of the server, if it is allowed to run by PingClients. ServerPingSleep should be >=1 to set lower priority of this thread.
WaitForPingAnswer   Integer   Timeout of waiting for the acknowledgement from the client side which shows that the client is still alive and connected.

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