MsgCommunicator: Delphi Instant Messaging (IM) SDK
for easy creation of custom messenger system

TMsgContactNameSource type

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TMsgContactNameSource specifies the source of a name of a user in contact list.



TMsgContactNameSource = (mcnsUserName,mcnsFirstName,mcnsLastName,mcnsFullName,mcnsCustom);

TMsgContactNameSource specifies the source of the user name in contact list.

mcnsUserName indicates that visible name is equal to the UserName (see TMsgUserInfo type).
mcnsFirstName indicates that visible name is equal to the FirstName (see TMsgUserInfo type).
mcnsLastName indicates that visible name is equal to the LastName (see TMsgUserInfo type).
mcnsFullName indicates that visible name is equal to the FirstName + LastName (see TMsgUserInfo type).
mcnsCustom indicates that visible name is equal to the ContactCustomName (see TMsgContactInfo type).

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