Accuracer: The First And Only Cross-Platform BDE Replacement
Client-Server Single-File Embedded Database with SQL for Delphi / C++Builder / Kylix


Retreives an information about the backup file.

function GetBackupInfo(const BackupFileName: String; Tables: TStrings = nil): TACRBackupInfo;

Call GetBackupInfo to get information about the backup file.
GetBackupInfo does not extract the database file - it only loads the backup header.
BackupFileName is a name of the backup file.
Tables is an existing TStrings descendant object that will be filled with table names of the database stored in the backup file.

Call IsAccuracerBackupFile method to learn if the file is a backup file of Accuracer database.
Call IsAccuracerBackupFileCryptoParamsValid to check if the backup BackupParams.CryptoParams are valid for the backup file.

Note: If backup fie is encrypted and you have not set a proper encryption settings in BackupParams.CryptoParams the GetBackupInfo will fill only Encrypted and EncryptedByPassword fields of the TACRBackupInfo record.

© AidAim Software Accuracer: Benefits-bde Replacement Embedded Database For Delphi C\+\+ Builder Kyli