Accuracer: The First And Only Cross-Platform BDE Replacement
Client-Server Single-File Embedded Database with SQL for Delphi / C++Builder / Kylix


Occurs when a batch move is being executed.

TACRTableOperation = (tbopImport,tbopExport,tbopCopy, tbopRestructure,tbopRepair,
         tbopBatchAppend, tbopBatchUpdate, tbopBatchAppendUpdate, tbopBatchCopy, tbopBatchDelete);

TACRTableProgress = procedure (Sender: TComponent; Progress: Double; Operation:              TACRTableOperation; var Abort: Boolean) of object;

OnProgress: TACRTableProgress;

OnProgress occurs during potentially slow processes working with table. OnProgress allows applications to provide the user with a feedback about the progress of the slow process.

The Progress parameter is an approximation of how much of the operation has completed. Use Progress to update the position of a progress bar or other indicator.

The Operation parameter indicates what kind of process is running: repairing database, compacting database.

When the Abort parameter is True, the execution of the process is cancelled.

© AidAim Software Accuracer: Client Server Single-file Bde Replacement Delphi Database Embedded Databas